Log no. 1732721192



Log no. 1732345714

I have an addiction, a time-wasting addiction. Most of my life, I have been wasting time. There have been times when I have been very productive, but I have noticed, as of lately, I have been wasting approximately ninety-percent of my time on entertainment, watching movies, YouTube videos, browsing the Internet with no purpose. WHAT A WASTE OF LIFE!

So today I decided to have a life purpose. I will consume my time with learning. I will begin with IT certifications. I will set a date to take the exam, to pressure me in studying and do nothing but study the subject.

First subject I will consume my time on:
CompTIA Security+


Start date: November 23, 2024
Exam date: December 01, 2024





noun: prophecy
plural noun: prophecies

a prediction.

  • the faculty, function, or practice of prophesying.



gerund or present participle: prophesying

say that (a specified thing) will happen in the future.


Log no. 1731899194

Life is simple. I just learned that I am the one making my life difficult.

Why has this taken me this long to discover this?

Log no. 1731578939

What is going on? FOCUS!

Go to sleep, and when I wake up, I will only have one subject in my mind.


Log no. 1731436432

Start the day well. Studying Security+.

I just have to keep the momentum going!


Log no. 1731309284

I have slipped the last two days of studying… ARGH!!! 🤬

I just saw a video of someone stating, “Nothing is natural. I must have the desire. Only I can do what I want to do.” Wow! that hit hard in my gut. I just lost two days…

I am going to meditate and back to studying Security+.

“FOCUS – Follow One Course…

“FOCUS – Follow One Course Until Successful” -Robert Kiyosaki, Why We Want You To Be Rich

Log no. 1731260474

Change or live the life I have been living and getting what I have been getting. The choice is always mine to make. The most difficult part of having a choice and doing the right one, is not knowing if the choice is the right one or if the choice comes close to being what is best for me, even if the choice is not the right one. Maybe why there are so many employees in the world, as for ten hours a day of when they are awake, they simply do not have to make a choice. Just wake up, go to work, come home, eat, watch TV, sleep, rinse and repeat. When the weekends come, horrible dicisions are made (no choices are thought of, but rest and relax), either do nothing, or watch televsion to avoid thinkning.

I pledge from this day on, I will avoid all things that do not make me think. This day forward, I will make CompTIA Security+ my life until I have achived my certification.

Log no. 1730689821

I completed the Introduction to Cybersecurity. Now starts CompTIA Security+! 😬